Google had released its core algorithm update in June 2019. Within some time of that release, Google released one more algorithm update to address a long-time complaint of the webmasters. That update is about domain diversity.
What does this algorithm update mean?
It means in the top results, Google will not show more than 2 results for the same domain.
Earlier, Google used to show multiple results of the same domain for some queries. In fact, it has been seen that for a query, 4 to 6 search results come from the same domain out of 10.
The webmasters and digital marketing experts have been complaining about this kind of result for many years. Finally, Google has come up with this update and it is now almost completely rolled out. Of course, the Google team is still improving this algorithm to make it perfect, but it is in effect now.
This domain diversity also covers the sub-domains. It means if you have a domain and a sub-domain, then both of them will be considered as a single domain and only two results will be shown in the top lists.
Does it mean you will not see more than two results for the same domain in the search results? No, it is only about the top listing. It means in the top 10 results, a domain can appear only twice; likewise in the top 20 results, but not on all available results for search queries. It still means the domain can appear multiple times in the results.
There is a cache
Still, Google reserves the right to show more than 2 results from the same domain in the top positions. For example, if you search with a brand name, you are more likely to see multiple results for that brand only.
That’s it! This is all you need to know about the new update of the Google that is different than its core algorithm update.
Ash Vyas has 10+ years of practical experience in digital marketing & international business development. She has written 100s of articles on various topics to live her passion for helping people with her knowledge & expertise. In addition to directing Digital Marketers India, Ash also delivers keynote sessions and holds key positions in some international companies as a consultant, director of operations and mentor.